
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

God Only Knows...It's Hump Day!

SO it's hump day and I'm way late. But in the midst of the whole "buying a house" process things have been crazy HOWEVER....the inspection went well!!! We only need to do some minor projects and don't have to worry about anything huge that will break the bank! As if buying the dang place isn't doing so already. HA. But in any event, today's post is in honor of the hubs and everyone supporting us throughout this whole process because ummm God only knows what we'd do without them! Hell if I know how to replace a garage door.

 If you haven't seen this video yet, it's a MUST. Lorde, Florence, Elton John...David Grohl. It's everything you need to get you through this hump day!!


  1. That is an awesome video, sooo many amazing artists. Thanks for sharing, had not seen that. Good luck with all of your house stuff! How exciting!!

  2. Glad the inspection went well, that is one of the most stressful parts. You are over the hump. Love the video, haven't seen it before!

  3. Glad the inspection went well and only minor stuff needs to be fixed. A house is super exciting and I am happy for you guys. Work blocks a lot of stuff so I can't view the video.

  4. so glad to hear that your inspections went better than ours! Ours turned into a money pit so we withdrew from the deal, it was kind of a sad day, but now i'm pretty happy we did cause that means I can still shop ;)

  5. So glad the inspection went well! Definitely recommend getting the sellers to purchase a home warranty just in case though, it's the one thing I'm really appreciative about our real estate agent insisting on.

  6. I'm glad the inspection went well.

    I like the video. Good song.
