
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Fat Trap

That's it, I'm one step closer to smacking the next coworker who brings in donuts, bagels, pizza, cookies and whatever the hell kind of food will stick to my  hips and stomach! I know they're just trying to be nice, but the aroma of pizza and glazed pastries have me clawing at my face in resistance....especially when shark week is about to hit. It's even worse when I have to pass by it to get my tupperware full of yardwork out of the fridge. You can jazz up a baby spinach and kale salad all you want, but you'd be lying your face off if you said you wouldn't want to dive into that box full of assorted Girl Scout cookies someone left behind. See what I have to contend with? I have willpower stronger than Khloe Kardashian's Spanx.

Whenever I feel like I want to fold a whole pizza in half and eat it like a taco, I usually have to take a step back and say to myself, "hey you REALLY want to do this? Remember that dress? Remember ALL of the sweat you put into getting where you are today?" The voice usually wins and my waistline doesn't suffer the repercussions. Also ummm I have Barbados and bikinis to fit into in two months...

 I have yet to sign up for some more runs in addition to the Rock N' Roll Marathon Series in July, but I'm confident I'll find some good ones. I'm a huge cheapskate these days, so I'll have to catch early bird deals. Some races are just WAY too expensive. I know a lot of these races are for great charities and causes, but sometimes I wonder how much of the fee goes toward the cause. The Spartan Race I did last year cost $90 and I registered early! Charity for Miles is an app I've downloaded and have come to totally love. It's a free app you can download and open while you run so it records your miles. A donation is given to a charity of your choice with each mile you run. How awesome is that?! The only problem is that there are glitches from time to time. It would also be nice if you could see how much you've helped donate to the charity!

There are plenty of other apps that have surfaced since I downloaded Charity Miles. Does anyone else use something different? The organizations for Charity Miles are great and you can pick whichever one you want. The only difference between running a formal race and these apps is the swag...admit it...we've all done that race for the awesome medal or hoodie you get for registering!! Mainly so we can walk around with our medals and swag on like, "yeah I just ran a 10k bitches and kicked SO much ass!" Now give me a bagel...and a nap.

The one race I've considered going above and beyond for is the Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend. Excuse me? Running throughout ALL FOUR of Disney's theme parks AND you get awesome Disney running swag? Sign me up! It's like my inner five-year-old and adult self have met! I've been debating this one for a LONG time.My fiancee has a hard enough time understanding me wanting to get up at 5am on a Saturday to run a race an hour away let alone going out-of-state for one. I'm sure he'd just laugh in my face.

What do you do to stay on track with your fitness goals? Do you face any "fat traps" in your life? Sometimes quarantining myself at my desk or drinking enough water to the point where I don't have ANY room for anything else works like a charm. Or I could always watch that clip of Lady Gaga getting vomited on again...that will rid anyone of their appetite...for days.



  1. I feel your pain about office food. It helped me gain a nice bit of weight but it's not helping me lose it!

  2. I don't think I'd be able to run through Disney World. I'd get SO distracted by the characters, and the rides, and the food! I'd be too busy riding Space Mountain over and over again to actually do the race, lol. But I'm curious to know what the Disney swag you'd get for it is!

  3. I think office food is such a big distraction and too tempting! That Walt Disney marathon would be so cool!


  4. My husband is my fat trap. I can't resist when he brings home junk food or picks up dairy queen as a treat! I keep telling him he's got to stop it!

  5. My former coworkers would get takeout for lunch every single day, then try to foist their leftover french fries and cookies on me. It was so frustrating! One day, one of the ladies simply dropped a McDonalds apple pie on my desk and left, eww.
    I used to carry healthy snacks in my purse (Lara Bars are my faaave) and/or chew gum all the time to resist

    1. Nuh uh!! McDonald's apple pie?? I feel like apple pie should be in parenthesis lol. I LOVE Quest bars. They're a lifesaver!

  6. to be honest, i just avoid it. i stay full by eating 5 small meals a day and drink a shit ton of water. although when shark week is close, i do indulge in 5 pieces of chocolate covered almonds. 90/10 rule, girl! 90/10 rule (90% clean eating, 10% whatever!)

    Vodka and Soda

  7. Uh, I think maybe I'm that coworker you hate. But instead of being the coworker--I'm the wife. My husband keeps trying to shred pounds and I'm all "can we order pizza?" Okay, it's not fair and I know it. I've been trying. Hell, I even make him his green smoothie every morning AND cut up lettuce so he can easily fix a salad for lunch. But me? I want a donut. I want all of the donuts.

  8. Fold up a piece of pizza and it eat it like a taco.....freaking hilarious. I hate when people bring things into work and put it on my desk and tell me "you can afford it"....and I'm like take that sh*t back there is a reason for that! If I want to binge it I'll do it in the privacy of my house...with wine and preferably Bravo TV ;-)

  9. Any sort of chocolate dessert is my fat trap. Charity Miles sounds so cool! And if I ever were to start running races, it would only be because I want an excuse to go to Disney World :)

  10. Story of my life! Pizza or salad?! I am usually good on the week days and then stuff my face on the weekends... Why does bad food have to be so delicious!?

    <3 Shannon

    1. RIGHT? Why can't pizza taste like old, dirty feet? Weekends are always rough with going out!

  11. That second GIF is hilarious! I am so weak when people around me are eating good food! I really need to start eating healthier for spring but it is so hard when it's still so cold out, all I want to do is carb load, hahaha.

    1. I always make excuses to carb load before running haha. I just love them WAY too much!

  12. Haha OMG I totally feel your pain! Every time a coworker brings in bagels or donuts or cookies I just really want to smack them! I have no willpower against food which is why I have to work out constantly! I try so hard to eat healthy then someone brings in chocolate thinking their being nice and I'm just like "Crappppp now I need to spend an extra hour at the gym because I KNOW I'm going to eat like 10 pieces..."

    <3, Pamela

    1. It's so not fair! It doesn't help that I work with a lot of guys that just eat ridiculous crap EVERYDAY. I smell it each time they pass by me desk and I just want to pounce and steal whatever they got!

  13. Office food is so annoying and convenient at the same time. Everytime I pass the printer, seriously? Why do they do this to us! Good job for staying on track. I've got a wedding coming up in July so I feel your pain!

  14. My coworkers are always bringing in food and it kills me!!!! (Until I bring in my food cuz I don't want it at home... Ha!)
