
Friday, June 13, 2014

Friday Favorites: Celebrate!!

Oh Friday how I've missed you. Now I get to link up with Amanda! Today is going to be an amaze-balls day even though pants are still required. So let's go over some of my favorites shall we?

::1:: I finally caught on to these "life planners" by Erin Condren. Apparently people are obsessed with them? Well...they are because they launched the 2014/2015 planners late last night and their website has crashed and/or been SO FLIPPIN' SLOW all day long. But ya know what? It was worth it because my work is paying for this bad boy and they are WAY too pricey...but I like stickers and things when I plan shit out so I was all over this. I chose one of the quote planners and I can't wait to get it! There's nothing like looking at motivational quotes here and there in order to rock each day.

::2:: This moving truck. I would seriously give them all the business in the world JUST because of how they advertise on their trucks. Hilarious.

::3:: Comfy workout wear. I LOVE this top by Ellie. There's no way in hellio I'd ever just run in a sports bra (really don't understand those who do...but more power to ya?) but this is a perfect middle ground for those wretched, 90-degree days where any kind of fabric just gets in the way everywhere. No time for that! Also, loving how my lifting is paying off!

::4::  My crazy Apollo."Mom...mooommmm...lookatmelookatmelookatme" I can't binge watch anything without this happening. I have toddler furbabies.

::5:: My official race photo! Look at how determined and NOT sweaty I look? Amen to start line photos. Also, despite my focused and determined look, I'm 99.9% sure that Iggy Izalea or Jason Derulo was blasting through my earbuds and I just wanted to break it down.

This weekend is also Father's Day so I hope you all spoil them accordingly! My dad is absolutely impossible to buy for so I've decided to make him breakfast before he gets up (before the sun even rises) with all of his favs, go to a movie with him and my sister, and then slave away in the kitchen to make him dinner and dessert. My sister and I are prepared to face this battle head on...after we make sure all of the fire alarms are working.


  1. Those planners sound amazing!!! And the back of that truck is hilarious!!

  2. Awe that photo of your pup is so cute!

  3. I think I need to break down and get an Erin Condren planner. Everyone seems to love them. Peer pressure at its finest, I suppose.

    The back of that truck is fantastic.

  4. Love the race photo and love the new workout top!! I am so jealous that you're work is paying for one of the planners - I personally can't justify spending $50 for that...but that's me lol!! Hope you have a great weekend!

  5. Great race photo- you look so determined. And love that workout top!

  6. That box truck made me laugh out loud. So funny! Also, I love Apollo. What a ham!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  7. hahaah that truck YES kanye haters unite LOL

  8. jealous your work is paying for your planner! also your race photos look way less tragic than mine ever do

  9. I wish someone would just give me one of those planners already. And your arms look fab hun, keep it up!

  10. That moving truck just made my Friday. Epic!

  11. Ummmmmm I am 100% jealous of your sweet race photo. Every race photo I've ever had snapped of me I look like I am a serial killer and want to die. Yours is pretty badass. Thanks for linking up! Totally giggled about the pants intro part ;-)

  12. That moving truck!!!!! OMG! Best ever!

    I wish I could find someone to pay for a super expensive planner for me! Teach me your ways!!!

  13. That truck is too funny they would have my business! Looking fierce girl! Love kitty just chillin waiting for attention!

  14. I love my Erin Condren, it goes most everywhere with me.

    hahaha, love your upside down cat.

  15. I think I need that workout tank! It looks amazingly comfortable.

  16. I want an Erin Condren SO bad but I'm wayyyy too cheap to spend the money on one for myself... I'm so jealous that your work is footing the bill!

  17. oooh love that workout tank! and jealous you're getting a free erin condren planner. i like the looks of them but can't justify paying the price!

  18. Dayum girl your back is beast! Great work. I'm still trying to get there!
